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IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface

This interface is used to initialize the AmEdmItemsUI_object. It determines which document an operation will be performed on.

Name Description

Init method

See Remarks.

SetOptions method

Accepts a combination of AMITEMS_FLAGS constants values.


Sub Init(AMClient As Object, varrIDs, [AMServices As Object])

This argument can be an AMDocument object, anAMFolder object, or an AMDocumentRepository object.

When an AMDocumentRepository is used, the varrIDs argument should define the document ID(s).


If AMClient is a document or folder, this argument can be 0.

If AMClient is a document, this argument can be another document (to compare documents, use AMIV_COMPARE).

If AMClient is an AMDocumentRepository, this argument should be an array of document IDs (batch operation).


A service provider object is available from the interface extension designer: GetHostService method(SERVICE_PROVIDER).

Related information

AMEdmItemsUI object

IAMEdmItemsUICommands interface

IAMEdmItemsUIMenu interface